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Stakeholder Key Objectives

  1. The Stakeholders wanted us to iterate the ticketing design to allow more automation as they feel currently ticketing is very manual and there are often last-minute changes that need to be reflected on-site which then puts stress on the team to accommodate.

  2. Incorporate a faster easier ticketing purchase design that can be placed on different pages within the website. Given them an opportunity to purchase remaining tickets that are selling fast or almost gone. 

  3. Want more flexibility for off-season with as minimal effort as possible as well as increase off-season engagement so they're not JUST a ticketing / event site. Changing up of focus areas on homepage as well as navigation items (e.g., swapping out ticketing links for engaging content and accurate info regarding events and revenue opportunities.


The Challenge

  1. Create a better ticketing design to apply more automation.

  2. Incorporate a new easier ticketing purchase design that can be placed on different pages within the website showing remaining tickets that are selling fast or almost gone. 

  3. Redesign the homepage by swapping out (e.g., ticketing links for engaging content increase off-season engagement so they're not JUST a ticketing / event site.


My Role

As the Lead Experience Designer, I was involved in all phases of the project, from understand the key objectives, research competitors, assist with workshop with stakeholders, create innovative concepts to comply to goal and delivering the final designs.

I worked with a Head of Design, Digital producer, lead developer to build and apply to website.



  • Research

  • Ideation(sketches)

  • Wireframes

  • High-fidelity user interface design

  • New components added to Designs system

  • Project management

  • Presenting

  • Team Communication and collaboration


Team Discussion

After team deliberation, I knew what my tasks were to start this project at hand. I went to into the discovery phase on research existing websites that have a ticketing system in place. After reviewing my research, I developed sketching out my ideas and knowing that my team wanted a high-fidelity wireframe, and I just did that. Feedback received from the team and a concept was chosen to move forward into the next part of building the final design for the developers.



Stakeholders mentioned that the ticket cards were required to be iterated with a new design including selling fast text and features with icons indicating what is including within that bought section, so user are aware what they are getting. This useful content helps them make a quicker decision. I created various version to show my creative thoughts and provide a positive experience that will make the users happy to interact with.


New Ticketing Express Design


After developing and presenting the multiple designs to the team the stakeholder had to comeback with feedback from their team. Unfortunately, due to budget and time, items had to be removed for this to be built in this due time.

I highly recommended not to go ahead with this as there was to much white space for the size they requested. We couldn’t change the sizing as to ensure we maintained design consistency within the product therefore keeping it aligned to both ends of day selection part above. I stated the importance to revisit this card as visually this does not look the greatest and not giving the best value intended to the users. In the end I made changes to the new components and to the wireframes for the developers so they can build the new features on time.