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BP Rewards New App

Year 2024

Company : BP


Senior UX/UI Designer Collaborated with Lead Tech Developer, iOS and Android developers Global Head of Design, Product Managers


Project Overview

Building NEW BP rewards app for Australian users applying existing features and new features into a new global app design that is consistent with every country.

Improve user experience that’s meet business requirements and users feedback from existing app.


Key Objectives

  1. Adding Qantas card and verifying by implementing the correct details to earn rewards today.

  2. Switch from bp rewards to Qantas rewards to receive Qantas points so users can accumulate Qantas point for future flights.

  3. Users can easily pay for fuel using their Qantas points.



  • Journey Mapping

  • User flows

  • Ideation(sketches)

  • Wireframes

  • Interactive prototypes

  • UX content

  • High-fidelity user interface design

  • New Components

  • Project management

  • Stakeholder management

  • Presenting




Had the initial meeting with my team and asking all of questions such as what users think about the process now, any documentation recorded, are there business requirements that have not been put in place or need to be considered, any legal information about the loyalty program not presented to user for understanding of certain things. After I had gathered all this information and given supported information.

I started to plan what I must do to make this project run smoothly with the first thing of creating a project information pack which states everything about this project from Key objective, problem and solution statement, Key processes, requirements, and how the loyalty program works and my roadmap for this task.

I ran it past my team to ensure we were all on the same page and can run in Agile methodology to help each other out when discussion are made and adjust for any challenges that may rise continuous make improvements along the way.


Discover – Journey maps

By creating the journey maps, I understood the users better, their specific needs, motivations, and frustrations. Secondly, goals and opportunities allowed me to dive deeper into specific challenges the user may face and their emotions at each step of their journey and consider what improvements and what I can make to ensure the best positive experience overall in the development of the product.


User Flow

Analyzed the initial flow of adding Qantas Card, verifying the account and paying for fuel with Qantas points in the current app helped in understanding the steps required from both business and users including areas of improvements and where would this flow appear in the new global app.


Analysed flow and Screens of New BP Global App

I needed to understand how the entire app worked and its connection in all journeys also how the ux interaction was created for users to complete their steps to achieve the goal.

I carefully made decisive decisions on where I thought would be best to apply adding Qantas Card, verifying the account and paying for fuel with Qantas points within the app and created rough sketches and moved onto the wireframing stage as I had a timeframe to produce the first initial design and present to the entire team.


Problem & Solution


Feedback - Iterations

I presented the flows and screens to the entire team; I received various feedback that I agreed upon and applied suitable adjustments that I felt were fit for purpose.

I established before and after versions for myself to learn from as well as help the team to understand what and why we made these changes within the screens to enhance the user experience better. This process helps to keep everyone on the same page with no further confusion moving forward.


Wireframes/HIFI Design


I developed new components and screens for the following key objectives of adding a Qantas Card, verifying the account and paying for fuel with Qantas points.