the YOUnited to BD_top page image.2023.jpg

Project Overview

Lead Product Designer working with Stakeholders whilst collaborated with Product Manager and Tech lead to develop to deliver a bartering app. A place for people to exchange goods for a service/skill or vice versa with people within their local community.


The Challenge

The YOUnited wanted to create an app for users to be able to explore people in their local community to exchange goods for service, vice versa, gain social interaction and potentially make new friends and further trade from this experience.


Problem Statement

How might we apply the focus of old fashion Free exchange-based bartering process the connects people within their local community.

The Solution

Create a social engagement app dedicated to exchange goods/services for free and money as well depending on the arrangement between the two people. Offering different offers and trade now options to identify treasures you may want or seek help with a service you need now.


Key Objectives

  1. Exchange goods for a service/skill or vice versa with people within your local community

  2. Identify people nearby and view individuals trade profile/ad featuring services, skills, or goods

  3. Users to post reviews on the quality of trade to gain trader trust and earn community/merit badges


My Role

As the Lead Product UX/UI Designer, I was involved in all phases of the project, from understand the key objectives, mapping out the journey, using the key features to create an MVP to delivering the final designs. I worked with a product manager, lead developer and larger development team to test, build and launch for android and ios.



  • Research

  • Personas

  • User flow

  • Ideation(sketches)

  • Wireframes

  • Interactive prototypes

  • UX content

  • Usability testing

  • Digital branding

  • High-fidelity user interface design

  • Designs systems

  • Project management

  • Stakeholder management

  • Presenting


Business Target Audience

After having discussion with the Stakeholders the key Target audience was stated as
Male & female; 25-50 years old
People with small business, Travellers and families.Basically anyone that loves to help and make social connections and help the local community.




Base on the user research I established these 3 personas that are suitable people that would use this app.

Having all this information in hand it helped me to consider what users will like as well as what requirements the stakeholders have mentioned. I used them throughout the entire product development process.  


Key Insights

Persona’s Key Insights needed to be considered for developing the MVP for this product.

Map showing people trading with what based on your location

Search for particular goods or services

Goods or service page displaying relevant content and images

Chat function to communicate how to trade and where to meet up

Notifications to inform updates on trades

Add product function to select whether goods or services and fill


Stakeholders’ acumen requirements

Map showing people trading with what based on your location

Search for particular goods or services

Bookmark goods or service to go back later to decide.

Reviews on the trade made with person.

Trade actions on goods or service with 3 buttons (Trade now, Discuss trade, Make offer)

Account of individual that want to use this app to trade which required.  


User Flow

I’ve created a user flow diagram to map put every step of the user interaction required for users to achieve the main goal of this app. This visual image helps the stakeholders to understand the entire journey of the product and to ensure that we a providing a greater experience with the core features in mind.



As I was creating the user flow, I also started working on the initial sketch design.
These sketches are main screen to represent the journey of this app with stakeholders’ key objectives and users and business needs.   

I also explained the key elements and my strategy how users will interact and explore the app making it easy to use and navigate.



Once I built all the wireframes, I wanted to conduct usability testing to ensure that what’ve I’ve built makes sense and the user can complete the desired task.


Usability Testing


Conducting usability testing on the wireframes and feedback came from the following screens below. The feedback I received from the users I noted it down and when back to wireframes and thought what do I need to see and how to improve the UX journey for the users to achieve the end goal easier.


First HIFI Screens


I presented the first Hifi screens showcasing colour, imagery etc… and the stakeholders loved it. My process next was to complete the Design system.


Design System


Logo Design


HIFI Design


After the app was completed the founders and silent partners decided to rebrand and make changes.

Therefore the UX and UI was changed in accordance.


BarterDayz Website


New Branding